You are here: Prices and Discounts > Price Configuration

Price Configuration

Understanding how prices are used, set up and configured in the system is very important for those who are responsible for the data in the Site Manager.

All retail items have a base price on their retail item card but this price may not necessarily be the item’s sales price in the LS POS. The system has other configurations for the sales price and there are rules that decide which price is used as the item’s sales price on the POS. It is important to understand how item price is set up and configured, and how the rules that decide which sales price is set for the item work in the LS POS.

Item price setup has many possibilities for configuration in the system. There are even more possibilities for the configuration of discounts. This section is about the possibilities for prices in the system.

Prices can be set as:

See also:

Inserted: 2nd July 2013
Version: LS Retail .NET 2012




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